Preserve dry hay and ensiled forages to retains more nutrients. We can not ship this product into: AK CT DC DE FL HI ME MS RI VT
Recommended application at the swather or haybine Pro-Serve naturally preserves hay to retain more nutrients. When applied, small square bales can be baled up to 23 percent moisture; large square and large round bales with up to 20 percent moisture. Apply one and one-third ounces per ton of dried, cut forage. One gallon treats 100 tons of forage. Greener, leafier bales with improved palatability
Bale at higher moisture levels up to 23%
Preserves nutritional value and dry matter
What is the application rate of Pro-Serve® Pro-Serve should be applied at a rate of 1.3 ounces per ton of forage. One gallon will treat 100 tons of forage. This rate is used for both baled hay and ensiled crops. Mix one gallon of Pro-Serve® with 24 gallons of water. Apply one quart of this solution per ton. Where should Pro-Serve® be applied? For baled hay: Pro-Serve Forage Treatment is applied at the swather, haybine or baler ar the rate of 1.3 oz. per ton of forage. When applied, small square bales can be baled up to 23 percent moisture. Large square and round bales are baled at the 20 percent moisture level. For ensiled crops: Pro-Serve and Pro-Serve III is applied at the chopper or blower at the rate of 1.3 ounces per ton. What is Pro-Serve® forage treatment? Pro-Serve® naturally preserves your forage to retain more nutrients. Bale at higher moisture levels and improve palatability by spraying Pro-Serve at the swather, haybine or baler. Usage: Reduce storage losses, apply 1.3 ounces per ton of dried, cut forage for hay. One gallon treats 100 tons of forage.
File Downloads
Pro-Serve Safety Data Sheet (Size: 105.5 KB)
Pro-Serve Spec Sheet (Size: 80.5 KB)