Feast® 3-18-18 starter and foliar fertilizer that is low-salt and 100% orthophosphate We cannot ship this product into: AK CT DC HI ME NH RI VT
Conklin’s Feast® fertilizers start with the highest quality raw materials to produce a superior finished product. Unlike most fertilizers in the industry, Feast® is an absolutely clear liquid true solution with certain product specifications: a very low salt index, high solubility, low-biuret, high purity, and is non-corrosive to your equipment. New Cage Tote package for mini-bulk orders.
What is the application rate for Feast® Yield Master Starter Fertilizers such as 9-18-9, 3-18-18, 8-16-11w2S, 2-15-19w3S and 8-24-0?
The Feast® Yield Master designation refers to starter fertilizers. Conklin recommends basing recommendations on a complete soil test through Midwest Labs in Omaha, Nebraska. Apply 2-5 gallons per acre at planting, either in-row, with a splitter or 2X2, depending upon crop and soil texture. If 2″ x 2″ application equipment is used, apply 4-8 gallons per acre at planting time. As an alternative and depending upon soil tests, apply a split application of 2-5 gallons per acre in-row or splitter plus 4-8 gallons per acre deep-placed (2″ x 2″) at planting. Follow soil test recommendations and include Feast® Micro Master micro and/or secondary nutrients if indicated. Conklin also provides Feast® Micro and Secondary Nutrients. What makes Feast® fertilizer better than other fertilizers?
Feast® fertilizers, like other Conklin products, start with high quality, virgin raw materials to produce a high quality finished product with low salt index and impurities. The phosphate in Feast® fertilizer is 100% ortho-phosphate which is available to the plant as soon as the seed germinates. (Poly-phosphates must be converted, requiring ground temperatures in the mid to upper 60 degrees F range or higher.) Feast® fertilizer does not need to be converted to be available to the plant.
Also available in:
SKU: 7260 55 gallon drum 665 lbs.
SKU: 7300 250 gallon mini-bulk 3050 lbs
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